Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Love vs. Other drugs


Some people say that love is an addiction but in terms of dictionary the word 'addiction' can not be used for love,then why suddenly in my mind the word 'love' flashed equal to 'drugs',and we know 'drug' is an incomplete word without addiction. So certainly there should be some relation of love and addiction if the flashed condition was right. Then what about drug addiction,is it big or love is a bigger addiction,let us know few inner and outer aspects of love.

Love is a strong attraction,affection,emotional attachement,heart throbing relationship in which one of your sensory nerves stop working and you are not able to think anything except your love. This situation is very critical in which a man or a woman has a strong desire to meet their opposite gender and if they don't meet then insanity can take place accompanied by fast heart beat and can lead to heart attack in some cases. Let us consider one of the gender met their opposite one with that strong feeling being a success for him/her. After this when they share their feelings and are tied by bonds of emotion then brain thinks of that part only in which love is submerged,this happens on a regular basis and so the desire gets stronger,in case of breakege of that relationship bond a man can be paralysed if he doesn't get proper love.

Drugs are not good in taste but they make us feel like we are on the top of the world. This top of the world feeling keep a person stick to drugs and he always take drugs due to this reason. Drug harm our nervous system and body organs also but then also the person is stick to drug. The difference is while spending several hours of a day or night we don't think of drugs but we think of love day and night and we need that everytime but in case of drugs we have a fixed time to take drugs.

We can't think of life without love but we can live without drugs. There are drug eradication centres but not love eradication centre,love makes life beautiful more then we can think of.

Friends, love is always a bigger addiction then drugs..
Leave drugs and spend a happy life with love,distribute this love being a addict....

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Money-Then and Now

Money is not everything but not less then everything in today's world.

Note:-This article does not contain any personal issues and is not related with anyone's personal life,all facts are just for examples.

Does money count anything

Let us consider situations 600-700 years before today or even more early centuries when instead of democratic nations we had great kings and warriors who ruled over different states,what was the value of money then,don't you think words were more precious then money,in those Era men use to keep their words,may be their life was to be risked in keeping their words. At that time money matter was limited to merchants for buying and selling of such things which was not available in a certain state. If you looked around the area in those times where people use to live you would have found hard labour, honesty, loyality,brotherhood, sacrifice for nation and others, selfless love,and many other things which we can't find nowadays easily. In those times farmers didn't grow crops to earn money they grew crops so that their family and other families could eat and live happily. There was no money system then,there was asset system i.e. exchange of goods or materials or asset instead of some other goods. People use to enjoy their life,they lived in a better way then we are living and that also with a brotherhood relationship. Kings always used to think about betterment of their states and about their people so that no one dies hungry.

This century has totally reverse situations and money is our God. Can you think of anything without money in todays world? Are we really willing to work or do hard labour so that money does not matter for us. What if all the farmers of this world one day raise their hands in the matter of growing crops,what would matter then 'money' or 'food',obviously my friends food is necessary to keep a person alive and in working condition. Now the question is 'Shall Bill Gates be invited in the fields to grow crops in that situation'? Because money would not hold good for him,no cash system then. At that time people will buy assets in exchange of food.

Now the situation is if you see around your area,don't you see money everywhere, everyone is running behind money all are thinking of how to earn money,the things you see around can't be bought without money, you can't do a thing without money,for every material you need money,you need money to make your life luxurious,you need money to travel,you need money for a good house,you need money to buy food you need money to get a better education,you need money for communication you need money for better treatment you need money for everything. Does it mean money is everything? Why don't we change this money culture,people cheat others just for the sake of money,people lie people kill their near ones people get fraud and people die spending their whole life collecting money. Money is everything,don't you agree with this situation.

The language of money has changed,our leaders are running behind money,in India many scams have been unfolded in past few months,the leaders who are running our country are involved in those scams. Instead of running the country they are running behind money,many of them have a lot of money in foreign banks or in Indian banks while people in some places don't get even proper food and they have to live in slums.

Money has now become a symbol of status,the person who is having more money is great then those who are having less money. In old days the person with tallent,wit and arm power(yodhas) were mighter and great people,was that a matter of money then? Money has changed the whole scenario disintegrating every aspect of life,that's the value of money today.....!!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Psychology of Dream-Relation with Telepathy and in-demand wishes

Psychology of Dream

You must have heard people saying ''My dream came true'' (in actual dream),
was it so that everything was predicted before it's happening,this question
can be solved with the help of psychology and telepathy. Both of these have a very close relationship with each other,psychology in terms deals with
actual thinking and movements then relating it to virtual world and next happening steps. In this case there is a role of telepathy and the power of the generated waves of the happening system.Dreams are not nonsense they do have a relationship with actual and real life and thinking of that particular person. When your mind thinks of something for the whole day your brain and body system fits you in those thoughts and your mind starts getting a real image interpretation of those thoughts on your mind's screen. This thing also happens when you go to sleep,you go to sleep with the same thought in your mind and the chemicals start displaying the related pictures on your mind's screen and you are lost in the dreamy world.

During an observation and research done on mental patients by FREUD it was found that people had their secret desire and wishes which they wanted to be fulfilled,they used to think several hours about their wishes ,many said that while dreaming those all wishes were granted to them,so this strong desire and wishes to be granted made them again think before sleeping and that was the result they dreamt in the night. It is mainly based on the thinking of a person and his behaviour in accordance with nature.

Relation with TELEPATHY:-
Psychology is indirectly related with Telepathy,when you are thinking of someone and you get a sudden call from that person asking you that were you remembering him and he saw you in his dream,this happens due to the strong relating power of waves which were generated during your thinking and were so powerful that they reached to the person you were thinking of and he received it successfully. These are not a thing of surprise,when two people of same mentality meet with each other and become good friends with emotional
attachement like we have with our parents then you can feel that person anytime and the distance doesn't matter in that condition. You can exchange your thoughts with the help of brain waves as our cellphone does while we are talking. Thus psychology has a indirect relationship with telepathy. Quoting you my own example of a feeling that I can't forget,I was in Kota near Jaipur preparing for my IIT JEE entrance exams, I had a dream of my parents standing infront of my gate,it was a surprise visit of them in my dream,and just after 3 days the same picture happened into my real life,a door knock waked me up on 1st january 2009,after opening the door i found the same series in which my parents were standing in my dream,i was surprised to see them,i didn't discuss the dream as i couldn't believe that they would be at my place but it happened. Here in my case a strong feelings of my parents to visit my place had sent waves,I received the waves and it was interpreted in my dream. The telepathic situation of sending and receiving messages
of their arrival were directly connected to their psychology which made them think of me day and night. Both psychology and telepathy were related to each other by some connection and so was I with my parents.

A special condition of Psychic insanity is when people get virtual pain andhurt due to the breaking bond of some emotional attachment or some condition which was unbearable to them. In these two conditions a psychic patient can be cured by a Psychologist with love and emotion or by using different therapies to regain their happiness back to their life. This condition of insanity can be well treated but people think that the person has gone mad and they send him to a mental hospital,the patients who can't be treated or it is difficult to treat them are directly related with the actual pain and injury which body gets during accidents. Again looking at those patients who can be cured become more abnormal and become victims of unconcious forces of treatment in mental hospitals. Here Psychology of family members has
been considered who don't understand the emotions of other family members and there is a lack of flow of emotions between the two causing weak wave signals which the patient or family members couldn't receive or send vice-versa.

Mythological relation with Psychology,it can be explained by a nightmare when in old days before the scientific years if somebody had a nightmare then the people would say that this is the effect of super natural powers on the person but when the science developed and we have answer to almost every activity of the world then the mentality of people changed slowly and they also started to relate the nightmare with the psychology and hormonal inbalance,the whole thing could be then corelated to the psychology of human beings.
More to say in next post!